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Candidate for the position of SRC General Councillor

Image for William Dodsworth

William Dodsworth

Hello, my name is Will Dodsworth and I am the current UG representative for the ECMS faculty board.  I’m now running to be one of your General Councillors with UNITE.

I have decided to run because over the years I have seen a SRC that cares more about shutting down clubs than encouraging them. An AUU Board, that in a time of great hardship for students decided to concentrate on changing its name instead, and I have witnessed a university that no longer cares about the quality of education it delivers but just its bottom line.

When the University announced its plan to cut faculty, courses, and staff the AUU board and SRC should have led the fight against these proposals.  Instead, they rolled over and became a mouthpiece for university management.


Unite is the genuine party of students. We believe in:

Promoting transparency and democracy within the AUU and SRC

Fighting against cuts, mergers and Proctor U

Building a vibrant campus culture through supporting clubs

Supporting vulnerable and minority groups on campus

Making campus safe for all students


Vote UNITE to make a difference on campus

Vote for the entire UNITE team on the AUU and SRC!